Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 9

Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:101106 Library:100505 in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 9

Notice: Use of undefined constant PHP_SELF - assumed 'PHP_SELF' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 26

Notice: Use of undefined constant submit - assumed 'submit' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 56

Notice: Undefined index: submit in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 56

Notice: Use of undefined constant model_year - assumed 'model_year' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 64

Notice: Use of undefined constant model_year - assumed 'model_year' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 64

Notice: Use of undefined constant toffset - assumed 'toffset' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 71

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant caption - assumed 'caption' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 98

Notice: Use of undefined constant images - assumed 'images' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 114

Notice: Use of undefined constant fname - assumed 'fname' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 118

Notice: Use of undefined constant fname - assumed 'fname' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 118

Notice: Use of undefined constant subject - assumed 'subject' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 123

Notice: Undefined index: subject in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 123

Notice: Use of undefined constant model_year - assumed 'model_year' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 124

Notice: Use of undefined constant subject - assumed 'subject' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 125

Notice: Undefined index: subject in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 125

Notice: Use of undefined constant stock - assumed 'stock' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-initialize.php on line 126
<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Use of undefined constant model_year - assumed 'model_year' in <b>/home/automoto/public_html/motori/show.php</b> on line <b>5</b><br /> Kawasaki KVF Brute Force 750 2012 Homologovan
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Notice: Use of undefined constant link_url - assumed 'link_url' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 7

Notice: Use of undefined constant description - assumed 'description' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 121

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 128

Notice: Use of undefined constant images - assumed 'images' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 17

Notice: Use of undefined constant images - assumed 'images' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 19

Notice: Use of undefined constant images - assumed 'images' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 23

Fotografija nuzno ne predstavlja stvarni izgled motora.

Notice: Use of undefined constant images - assumed 'images' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 26

Kliknite na malu sliku kako biste je povecali.

Notice: Use of undefined constant price - assumed 'price' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 67

Notice: Use of undefined constant price - assumed 'price' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 67

Notice: Use of undefined constant currency - assumed 'currency' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 67

Notice: Use of undefined constant ebay_url - assumed 'ebay_url' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 68

Notice: Use of undefined constant sale - assumed 'sale' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 69

Notice: Use of undefined constant sale - assumed 'sale' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 69

Notice: Use of undefined constant currency - assumed 'currency' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 69

Notice: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 71

Notice: Use of undefined constant cond - assumed 'cond' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 73

Notice: Use of undefined constant trans - assumed 'trans' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 84

Notice: Use of undefined constant fuel - assumed 'fuel' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 89

Notice: Use of undefined constant horsepower - assumed 'horsepower' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 90

Notice: Use of undefined constant top_speed - assumed 'top_speed' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 91

Notice: Undefined index: cp146 in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 104

Notice: Undefined index: cp147 in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 105

Notice: Use of undefined constant torque - assumed 'torque' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 111

Notice: Use of undefined constant blokada - assumed 'blokada' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 112

Notice: Use of undefined constant model_year - assumed 'model_year' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 64
Kawasaki KVF Brute Force 750 2012 Homologovan
Cijena do isporuke:23.744KM
Akcijska cijena:23.744KM
Vrsta vozila:ATV
Zapremina motora (ccm): 749
Vrsta motora:4-taktni
Broj cilindara / ventila: 2/8
Snaga motora (KS): 49.75
Max. obrtni moment (Nm) pri obrt. (o/min): 59.4/4500
Ram: Dvodjelni čelični cjevasti
Vješanje naprijed: Dupli paralelogram sa dva amortizera
Vješanje nazad: Dupli paralelogram sa dva amortizera
Hod amortizera naprijed (mm): 171
Hod amortizera nazad (mm): 200
Tip pogona:4x4

Dimenzije DxŠxV (mm): 2195/1166/1233
Prednja kocnica:2 diska
Zadnja kocnica:2 Diska
Hladenje motora:Vodeno

Meduosovinski razmak (mm): 1285
Zapremina rezervoara (l): 19
Težina (kg): 275

Opšti uslovi garancije: 1 godina

Pneumatik prednji: 25/8-12
Pneumatik zadnji: 25/10-12

Notice: Use of undefined constant features - assumed 'features' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 131
Dodatna oprema:

    Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 143

    Notice: Undefined index: Zapremina motora in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Zapremina motora in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Broj cilindara / ventila in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Broj cilindara / ventila in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Snaga motora KS in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Snaga motora KS in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Max obrtni momenat in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Max obrtni momenat in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Dimenzije in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Dimenzije in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Zapremina rezervoara in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Zapremina rezervoara in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Pneumatik prednji in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Pneumatik prednji in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Pneumatik zadnji in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Pneumatik zadnji in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Ram in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Ram in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Hod amortizera naprijed in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Hod amortizera naprijed in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

    Notice: Undefined index: Hod amortizera nazad in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined index: Hod amortizera nazad in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 157

Ovaj motocikl mozete kupiti kod:

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Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 191
SBK BRCKO049/217-566 Dejtonska 90 Brčko
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Notice: Use of undefined constant link_url - assumed 'link_url' in /home/automoto/public_html/motori/modules/module-show.php on line 217